On Dogma and Religion . . .

Dogma is not rooted in the wisdom of consciousness, but in the insecurity of ego. Whether it is Catholic dogma (or other Christian dogmas), Krsna-consciousness dogma (or other Hinduistic dogmas), Islamic dogma, Zionist dogma, or pagan dogma: IT IS ALL DOGMA. From the point of view of Eternity, all religious persuasions are insignificant and baseless. …

Remove the Mask of Ego

Om Hiranmayena Patrena . . . (from Isha Upanishad) Remove the Mask of Ego elucidation of Ved Mantra from Isha Upanishad Om Hiranmayena Paatrena Satyasyaapihitam Mukham | Tat Tvam Puushann Apaavrinu Satyadharmaaya Dristaye || ———————————————– Hiran mayena, by the golden Patrena, disc Apihitam, is covered Mukham, the face Satyasya, of Ultimate Truth Tat, that (covering) …

Mental Feelings Are Unreal

All feelings arising from the mind are essenceless; only the absolute feeling of the Absolute is Real, and that feeling is beyond the mind. What is the Absolute Feeling? The Absolute Feeling of the Absolute is the connection of our pure consciousness with the all-pervading Supreme Consciousness. Unless our consciousness is pure, we will not …

If you really want to be happy . . . .

If you really want to be happy, be in the company of the Wise. The wise people constantly revolve the mind around the wisdom of Consciousness. If our lives orbit around the wise and noble people, we too become wise and noble. ‘Orbiting around the Wise’ means staying tuned to higher vibrations. The Wise live …

Universality of Truth

There are billions of people living on this planet earth, and probably trillions more living in other regions of the universe or in other universes. There are millions and millions of differing opinions, ideas, experiences, and so forth. Is there anything that is common to everyone, irrespective of their personal experience or different ideas? Some …

Desire, Its Origin and Dissolution

What is desire and from where did it originate, and how is it resolved or dissolved? Desire at its origin is Energy, and it originates within the Self and is also dissolved there. The Self, in this case, is Consciousness itself, devoid of form or expression. Consciousness is expressed by means of its inherent energy …

Infatuation is Self-love

Infatuation is a mental phenomenon that arises when we are in love with our self (ego-self). It is a form of self-involvement. It is a shallow feeling of the mind that manifests in shallow behavior, shallow discussion, and shallow thoughts. Infatuation is born out of self-delusion and leads to self-degradation. When we are infatuated we …