
Purush/Prakriti (Shiva/Shakti) are two aspects of one entity: the Jivatman (the embodied Soul—Atman manifested as Purush and infused into Prakriti). From the perspective of this world of mind/matter (in other words, from the perspective of the embodied consciousness; Jivatman), this is all that there is (in other words, when we are bound by our ego …

What’s in a ‘name?’–the call to action

What’s in a name? Some people think their name is very important. In fact, some people are so attached to their name that they actually think they are their name. So, what’s in a name? What is a name, really? Your name was given to you after you were born. Even though you existed in …

Go Beyond Your Small Self

An uncentered person is one who is self-involved. Self-involved people are out of touch with themselves. They remain disconnected from the core of their being, and this disconnection causes them discontent and despair. To reconnect it is necessary to restrain the mind from its outgoing nature and direct it inward. It is a matter of …